Traveling in Canada During My 2018 Summer


During my summer break, I had the privilege of going to British Columbia and Alberta with my family that came from Hong Kong. I was so excited to spend this time hiking, exploring, and most importantly, relaxing. Although this was my second time being to these two provinces, I didn’t have much memory of my prior visit because I was young.

The long road trips getting to the various points of interests allowed me to catch up with my overseas relatives as we haven’t been able to communicate much during the busy year. I enjoyed venturing to new areas in the outdoors. My favorite place I visited on this trip was the well-recognized garden in Victoria with many beautiful, diverse flowers. I took many pictures and couldn’t get enough of the great sights that day. In addition, the highlight of visiting the garden was trying its signature ice cream after walking around the grand maze-like attraction. It was really amazing to witness all the plants in full bloom that day.
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Similar to when I traveled to other places in the world, I kept a journal of all the great memories I’ve made so I can look back on them later. Summer is truly a great time for reflection; I really value remembering the enjoyable activities because it allows me to reminisce about all the greatness life has to offer. Overall, my vacation this year was a fantastic experience that I’ll never forget.

One of the four unique gardens in Victoria, British Colombia
One of the four unique gardens in Victoria, British Colombia