Why Do We Long For The Past?

Jin Schofield (9) – STAFF REPORTER

Whether it be last year, last decade, or last century, we long for the comfort of the past. With the present cold and unfamiliar, and the future a frightful mystery, we cannot help but remember the past through rose-tinted glasses. If those of us that yearned so fervently to return were granted their perilous wish, only then would the delicate mirage of our romanticized history crash to the floor.

When one reminisces about the eighties, they remember Back to the Future playing in the cinema, hours-long bike rides with friends without the enveloping fear of abduction, and the sound of Michael Jackson’s vibrato resonating from the radio. Hardly anyone dares to mention the HIV epidemic, the nuclear tension of the Cold War, or the rise of… disco.

Image result for 1980s
Yup, that’s the Nintendo! 

How about the roaring twenties? Lavish parties teeming with flappers and bootleggers, the booming economy, Babe Ruth and his record-breaking skill – a decade of colour and optimism. What does not come to mind? Rampant organized crime, the peaking of the KKK, and the inexorable rise of fascism and communism.


Of course, the Renaissance. Timeless artists including Shakespeare and Da Vinci, images of ornate gowns and masquerade balls, and the revolutionary developments of the scientific method and printing press. Few remember the violent religious wars, the persistence of the bubonic plague across Europe, and the stark economic imbalance between the rich and poor.

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Does this look familiar? This is ‘The School of Athens’. (Raphael, 1510-1511, Public domain)

Regardless of how far one travels into humanity’s lengthy and complex history, there will never have been a time more peaceful than now. Don’t look back, look forward. Embrace 2018.


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Featured Photo:

The Roaring Twenties



