Part-time Worker, Full-time Student

Oscar Cheng (9) | STAFF REPORTER

It’s payday! And this week you’ve earned a commendable sum of knowledge. Part-time jobs are no easy commitment, however, they’re capable of bringing many benefits that aren’t just money-related.

The benefits of focusing on academics can also bring forth several benefits; students that have more time to commit to academics will have a higher chance of qualifying for scholarship and mentorship programs. Spending more time on academics gives one a better chance of forming stronger bonds with peers and teachers. School equips students with insight into morals and thinking styles through difficult assignments and group work.

However, students that work part-time jobs get more first-hand experience in time management and setting priorities for oneself. The time invested into part-time jobs may seem lost at first but in the long run, it helps youth demonstrate their skill sets and passions. Common areas of interest such as arts, athletics, academics, management, animals, and child care can be found in jobs such as instructing, designing, coaching, tutoring, managing, pet walking and babysitting.

It would be absurd to claim that part-time jobs don’t come with great benefits either. Aside from earning some extra money, part-time jobs provide students with valuable work experience that preface what life is like in the workforce. Depending on the business, students may also qualify for scholarships, free merchandise, and company discounts.

All in all, part-time jobs will benefit students that have time to spare and invest in developing their future. Despite all the benefits that come with part-time jobs, students should consider their time and priorities before thinking about applying for one.