Andrew Tate: “Alpha” Put Behind Bars 

Andrew Tate originated as a British-American social media personality. Recently, he is most notably known for his self titled “extremely misogynistic” and “extremely sexist” videos that went viral earlier in the year.

Highlights from these videos include his point of only dating girls aged 18-19, as a 36 year old man, so that he can “make an imprint” on them; as well as expressing support for domestic violence and abuse, all while being pictured smoking cigars and holding guns. 

Greta Thunberg rose to fame in 2018 due to her work as a climate activist.

At the end of December of 2022, Tate randomly took to Twitter to mock the then-teenage activist, showing off his 33 cars and their “enormous emissions”, saying, “Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions.” 

Thunberg responded to Tate’s childish attack with the simple reply: “Yes, please do enlighten me. Email me at”

Tate’s reply to the feud was simply “How dare you?!”, a phrase meant to mock a previous speech by Thunberg about politicians’ disregard for the environment. However, the intent did not bode well and Tate was mocked severely for it. 

Following the Twitter feud, Tate and his brother, Tristan Tate, were both arrested in Romania on on the conviction of sex-trafficking charges.

Twitter users was quick to comment on the situation and link it to the Tate v. Thunberg feud, saying that Tate’s engagement with the teenager activated a pizza box that gave the police access to his location; a joke which Thunberg joined in on, saying: “This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes.”

The rumour has since been shut down, as Romanian police clarified that the pizza boxes were no aid in finding Tate’s location.

The scandal took the internet by storm perhaps for the very simple fact that Tate’s following of critically inept people with fragile masculinity, who were unable to comprehend their near-40 year old leader, had lost a Twitter feud to a teenager.