Are Generation Gaps a Problem?

Sophie Erenberg (11) | STAFF REPORTER

In every stage of life, there are varying degrees of generational gaps. Though they are commonly regarded as detrimental to families and society, many note that they may turn out to be beneficial when gaps are bridged. But to what extent are generation gaps harmful or valuable to society given their positive and negative implications?

Generational gaps refer to differences in values and attitudes between successive generations, particularly between parents and their children. Disagreements often stem from a lack of communication between older and younger generations due to their disparities in experiences, beliefs, customs, and behaviour, which impede their understanding of one another and separate their respective cultures within a society.

Generational differences have always existed in history. In the United States, for instance, women in the 1920s adopted a new morality that was far more liberal than previous generations’ — their cultures differed greatly in terms of music, fashion, and politics. Similarly, when a survey about same-sex marriage was conducted among U.S. adults in 2018, the relationship between generational gaps and political attitudes were evident as millennials proved to be the most supportive of same-sex marriage, followed by Gen Xers, Baby Boomers, and Silents. (Pew Research Center 2018)

Nonetheless, not every generational gap is seen as divisive. According to the Pew Research Study, the main areas of dispute between young and old generations are the use of technology and musical taste. In contrast to disagreements regarding political beliefs, these areas of difference may prove to benefit relationships between family members and colleagues, as the older generation is more likely to take pride in the younger generation’s technological skills rather than view it negatively. With regards to musical differences, each generation seeks its own genre and style of music, which the older generation can generally relate to.

All things considered, it is critical to accept the reality that generational differences will always exist as long as people are born during different eras. Likewise, the ever-evolving conditions of society will inadvertently affect individuals’ perception of the world depending on the time period in which they were raised. In spite of possible resentment, distrust, or stereotypes of various age groups, generational gaps can serve as a valuable tool in society because they allow us to learn from the diverse skill sets and experiences of other generations as well as develop mutual respect within multi-generational communities.

