Rory Wei (10) | STAFF REPORTER
Although it has been pre-established to celebrate LGBTQ+ representation and accomplishments in the media all year round, June is the preeminent month for preeminent pride! Many would agree that the most influential vessel of minority representation and normalization would be the entertainment industry since billions of people around the world tune into blockbuster films and viral music videos on social media. As a result, these billions of people will be exposed to depictions of the struggles and successes of multifarious kinds of communities. Much to our dismay, LGBTQ+ people in the past were not accurately depicted and were never featured as protagonists in films; they were just there as certain tropes (e.g. the gay best friend) or for comedic relief, rarely as characters central to the film’s thematic, significant message. It has only been a bit more recent that these characters identifying with the community have been properly placed into the spotlight, and here are some milestones in the entertainment history: