A New Change: Ye and Davidson

Rory Wei (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Last week on February 15th, 2022, Kanye West, who has legally changed his name to “Ye”, made headlines with his ex-wife Kim Kardashian. The rapper has not been using his platform wisely and publicly shared several screenshots of their messaging conversation, heavily offending Kim and invading her privacy. He has also created multiple posts mocking and condemning Kim’s new partner  —the “Saturday Night Live” comedian Pete Davidson. However, Ye revealed later that he has been reflecting and improving his means of communication, deeply apologizing for his actions. He says, “I know sharing screen shots was jarring and came off as harassing Kim. I take accountability. I’m still learning in real time. I don’t have all the answers. To be good leader is to be a good listener.”

Many speculate that Ye took these outrageous measures in a futile attempt to win back the heart of his ex-wife, who officially filed a divorce on February 19th. It has been reported that the award-winning rapper bombarded Kim with a truck full of flowers on Valentine’s day and has repeatedly begged her online for a reunion, incessantly pulling out the “think about our children!” card. Yet, Ye has failed as many times has tried to get back together with Kim and Kim is adamant about keeping their distance. 

Kim is ashamed of her ex-husband for making puerile posts vituperating and harassing innocent Pete Davidson, but she has not given up on her four children. She is sincerely hoping for the best for Ye and that both can advance forward into their individual futures without having each other by their sides. This new change that Kim calls for is very honourable and that the fact the new couple was able to keep their composure and ignore Ye’s cyberbullying was a smart move on their part. 

Setting aside the unnecessary drama stirred across Instagram, there is indeed a valuable lesson to be learned for everyone tuning into this Kim-Ye headline; change is necessary and no one shall have any regrets taking off from pivotal turning points in their lives, even if that means departing permanently from one’s significant other’s side.