OpenAI’s Double-Edged Sword

Athan Kang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Can a robot carry on a conversation with a human without being noticed? This question is answered through what is called the Turing test. Initially brought up in 1950 by Alan Turing, this test determines whether or not artificial intelligence (AI) is able to demonstrate human intelligence. In other words, it is a three-person game where an AI uses written communication to convince a human interrogator that it is another person they are talking to. read more

Self-Care: New Necessities in a Dying World


Every January, millions of people all around the world look to the New Year as a time of rebirth and a rediscovery of life. One example of this phenomenon is the practice of creating a New Years’ resolution, where a person wishes to change or improve themselves through a personal goal. Unfourtunately, in addition to the practice of creating a resolution is the practice of failing to achieve said resolution. While New Year’s resolutions are sometimes mocked, the practice may still be helpful to bring awareness to new practices such as self-care.  read more

The Year of the Rabbit, Perhaps a Year of Peace

Taha Forooghi (9) | STAFF REPORTER

2023 –the new year is full of possibilities and chances to be renewed, with everyone making resolutions and keeping them for at least a few weeks. I made a resolution to work on my time management, but here I am, writing this one day before this article is due, just starting to think of what to write. read more

A Digital Bridge or a Cybernetic Barricade?

Athan Kang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

With modern advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as Tesla’s self-driving cars, AI has been slowly integrated into the lives of almost everyone today. Even though AI has improved quality of life, some people believe that there is a limit to the trustworthiness of these machines and programs. read more