Aaliyah Zhou (9) | STAFF REPORTER
STR’s Environmental Council is back with its 12 days of Eco event!
St. Robert CHS Student News
Aaliyah Zhou (9) | STAFF REPORTER
STR’s Environmental Council is back with its 12 days of Eco event!
Caitlyn Kerr (9) | STAFF REPORTER
Do you want to show everyone how much skill you have in your hobbies, or maybe just have fun with your friends? The Student Council’s annual talent show is great to do both. The event is on December 20th, the last day of school. The talent show will take place during school hours.
Ziyou Li (10) | STAFF REPORTER
Get into the holiday spirit with a fun and festive Sugar Cookie Decorating Workshop hosted by Mindful and Baking Club! The workshop took place on December 4th from 2:40 to 4:00 PM in Room 119. For just $3, participants will receive two sugar cookies, icing, and sprinkles to decorate their own personalized Christmas treats. It’s a perfect way to unleash your creativity and celebrate the season with a sweet, hands-on activity.
Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER
Everyone knows Christmas is the season of giving, but that doesn’t have to be bound to just your family and friends, donate to those in need as well! This Christmas season, spread the joy by participating in our Chaplaincy council’s Christmas Baskets donation drive. In our continued school efforts to uplift the community and assist the less fortunate, we have another charity event. However, rather than only donating food, this time we will be contributing hygiene products as well.
Melanie Lau (10) | STAFF REPORTER
Café Club is the perfect place to go every other Friday to connect with other students and explore your creativity in the kitchen! So far, several workshops and bake sales have been held by the club run by Grade 10 students Isabel and Diep.
Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER
Our own Social Justice Council in collaboration with the Senior Smiles Club recently hosted the Sending Sunshine event to support the elderly in our community. This took place on Tuesday, November 19 in the cafeteria after school. The goal of the workshop was to write positive letters of encouragement to eventually be sent to seniors. The Senior Smiles Club has partnered with an elderly home in order to provide for the local community. This was an excellent opportunity for students to accumulate volunteering hours, while creating a positive impact for those who might need it. Many elderly individuals experience lots of emotional distress, whether due to old age, loss of loved ones, or loneliness. Sometimes even just receiving a cheerful, heartfelt letter is all they need.
Ziyou Li (10) | STAFF REPORTER
For Grade 10 students at STR, the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, or OSSLT, is a mandatory evaluation. The Education Quality and Accountability Office conducts the test, which evaluates students reading and writing. The OSSLT was held on November 19 and 20 this year and included both multiple-choice and short-answer questions with a focus on written communication, investigation, and understanding. In Ontario, passing the OSSLT is a requirement for graduation, and students must pass it in order to obtain their diploma.
In order to prepare students for success in the classroom and in their jobs, the OSSLT is essential. Success in high school, post-secondary education, the workforce, and daily life all depend on having strong literacy abilities, particularly in reading and writing. The ability to read clearly and write well is a lifelong ability that will benefit students, regardless of whether they choose to pursue further education or employment. In light of this, the OSSLT is more than simply a test, it’s a chance for students to show that they are prepared for the difficulties that lie ahead.
Melanie Lau (10) | STAFF REPORTER
On Saturday, November 9th, hundreds of STR students, all a part of the school’s DECA team, competed in the regional competition to bring home 174 awards. A special congratulations to the 27 who had podium finishes and the 12 first place winners!
Timothy Wu (11) | Staff Reporter
On November 5th 2024, St. Robert Catholic High School held its annual academic open house, inviting students and parents to explore the school and get a sense of what it has to offer.
Lancy Wang (9) | STAFF REPORTER
The St. Robert CHS Math Club is a perfect place for students who enjoy mathematics and want to take on exciting challenges. The club meets every Wednesday after school at 2:45, in Room 203, and offers a supportive environment for anyone eager to improve their math skills and participate in competitions and challenges.