Meet Your Reporter: Eva Guo


My name is Eva Guo and I am a grade nine student and one of the editorial reporters. Here’s a bit about myself: I enjoy reading about history, drawing, and playing video games. I don’t enjoy talking about myself so I’ll wrap it up here. I am very excited to be writing for The Axiom and I hope I can be a meaningful asset to the team.  read more

Meet your reporter: Sara Mirsarraf

Sara Mirasarraf (9) l STAFF REPORTER

Hi, my name is Sara. I’m in grade 9 and one of the entertainment reporters this year 😛 I love drawing, reading and playing the piano. During my free time, I usually listen to music, watch TV, talk to my friends or review my homework and the topics I learned in school that day. This year I’m hoping to write interesting and fun articles about entertainment, make new friends, create memorable memories and improve my writing skills. Thanks for reading! read more