CEMC Euclid Math Contest


Written April 2023

Many high school students participate in the CEMC Euclid Mathematics contest every year. This year, it was held at participating schools on April 4th. This contest is aimed at Grade 12 students and students in grades 9-11 who are strong in math. 

Many St. Robert students competed, demonstrating their passion for the subject. They challenged themselves to strengthen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students were given two hours and thirty minutes to complete the exam. 

What is interesting about the test is although there are only four questions, it is not as easy as it may sound. Each question has multiple sections and most of them are tricky questions meant to challenge those taking the test.

Interested in participating next year? St. Robert’s Math Department regularly provides information and resources for students interested in competing in the Euclid and other math contests. Be sure to take advantage of available practice tests from previous years. Students are also encouraged to participate in other math contests not offered by the school, to demonstrate their mathematical skills.