Don’t Look Up: The Review

Cristiana Moldovan (11) | STAFF REPORTER

In honour of Adam McKay’s Don’t Look Up being nominated for 4 awards at the 2022 Oscars, let’s give it our honest opinion.

Be warned, what follows may contain spoilers.

If you have not heard anything about this movie, a brief summary would be: America finds out the world is ending, and they recruit a group of heroic misfits to save the day. Sounds familiar, right? This is the base plot for any American action movie, some examples include Armageddon, Independence Day (1 and 2), and essentially any Marvel movie. What makes Don’t Look Up special, is that in this case, the Americans don’t save the day.

The movie is a satirical dark comedy that follows Jenifer Lawrence, a young scientist, and Leonardo DiCaprio, an older scientist, as they discover an asteroid is going to hit the Earth. The challenges they face along the way include being ridiculed by politicians, misinformation, and greed are just as doomful as a comet the size of Texas.

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The story progresses quickly, it is filled with humour and includes many digs into modern society.

The all-star cast marvellously alludes to figures like Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Beyonce, and Mark Zuckerberg. Adam McKay does a wonderful job at critiquing everything from technology to pop culture.

This movie is perfectly on-brand for Adam McKay time and time again, through his work in The Big Short and Vice both of which are about the luxury of the upper class at the expense of the lower class.

If you are going to watch this movie, I suggest making a little game and trying to guess all the metaphors.

Happy watching!