How Music Has Shaped My Life

Isabella Pan (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Music has been with us every step of our life; from lullabies and nursery rhymes to hard metal and mumble rap… it grows as we grow, evolves as society evolves. It’s the one universal language we all speak and understand… yet it’s really just a unique puzzle of blatant sound and noise. From polished productions to mindless subconscious humming to the sound of raindrops on the sidewalk- it’s all music! It follows us everywhere we go, from the rain to the rainbow.

    Music has been a vital part of my childhood and a key contributor to the shaping of my identity. My first exposure to music was through listening to my grandma sing Chinese folk songs. The words, unfamiliar at first, eventually became second nature to my tongue. The melody strange and awkward, became the melodies I would subconsciously hum even to this day. It helped me learn my mother tongue and my culture…showed me who I am. In this instance, music helped me learn a language.

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    When I was seven, I started my long and what I would later come to learn, strenuous journey of playing the piano. What started out as a new and refreshing hobby later turned into a daily chore. However, despite all the temptations to quit, I still persevered and continued. Now, I can happily say that’s one right decision I’ve made. In this scenario, music taught me perseverance and commitment; two very important life skills.

    Music is an invisible friend that’s always been beside me, every step of the way. It’s helped me get through my lowest of lows and celebrate my highest of highs. It expresses emotions too complex to describe and provides an escape for when the world gets too suffocating. Music has carved and welded every part of me, shaped me into who I am today.