Meet Your Reporter: Angelina Wang

Angela Wang (11) l STAFF REPORTER

Hi St. Robs!

My name is Angelina Wang and I am a Grade 11 IB student. I’ll be one of the writers for creative writing and I am excited to be part of the amazing Axiom team this year!

I joined the Axiom because creative writing is a big part of my life, so I wanted to share it with the school community! I want to be very involved in the school community instead of dedicating all my time to school work, so aside from the Axiom, you can find me in Arts Council, Creative Writing Club, and GRL PWR.

In my spare time, I like listening to music and watching movies. My current favourite song is Ballroom Extravaganza by DPR IAN and my favourite movie is split between Whiplash and the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. I also really enjoy painting on any surface, from shirts to shoes to cards to normal canvas. My current project is making a vapour-wave painting of Michaelango’s David.

I look forward to writing for the Axiom this year!