Nerds are Cool!: United Book Nerds Club

Do you love reading? Do you wish there was a place where students like you can come together and discuss books? Well, come to the library after school on Thursdays once a month! Directed by Ms. Buckley and Ms. Thorpe, the book club organizes a variety of activities, such as discussing different books, playing games, and eating treats.  This Christmas, the club has done two very special things to celebrate the gift of giving.

The members wrapped up books that they enjoyed and placed these mysterious books in the library for curious students to borrow.   Included on each present was a tag entailing what type of reader would enjoy it.

Members spreading the gift of reading and learning to their fellow peers
Tags for different kinds of people and interests

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Instructions for the United Book Nerds’ own brand of gift giving

Recently, the book nerds hosted a book drive.  The goal was 250 books, and the reward for reaching this goal is a civvies day. These donated books will be given to Goodwill Foundation and school libraries, including our own.

Each month 1 to 2 books are chosen from two lists: White Pine Novels and ‘Books That Have Been Made Into Movies’. The books are chosen ahead of time so you can prepare in advance, by reading or doing research on the book. At around 40 members, new students wanting to join the club are welcome to every meet.

Come join the United Book Nerds at their next meeting and share your love of reading with your peers!