Nerds are Cool!: United Book Nerds Club

Do you love reading? Do you wish there was a place where students like you can come together and discuss books? Well, come to the library after school on Thursdays once a month! Directed by Ms. Buckley and Ms. Thorpe, the book club organizes a variety of activities, such as discussing different books, playing games, and eating treats.  This Christmas, the club has done two very special things to celebrate the gift of giving. read more

Christmas came just in Time

Santa finally arrived at St. Robert and brought what we needed most: a break from school. Since the curriculum marathon is near it’s end, classes have started their sprint to the finish line. After intense learning, wrapping up projects, and last minute tests, the cheery dismissal announcement was a warm surge of relief for teachers and students. A reminder that we truly are entering the most wonderful time of the year. Of course the lighter atmosphere and spirit of the school sped up the seemingly never ending days. read more

An Innovative New Club

What are you doing this Friday? Going on that Netflix binge again? Did your friend cancel on you last minute? Have no fear, my fellow student, Science and Innovation Club is here! If I told you that you could build a catapult, instead of watching re-runs of PLL and GG, would you? To further convince you of the excitement brewing in this club, take Kevin W. (11), better known as “Chairman Wang”’s, word for it: “The goal of the club is to conduct practical physical experiments to demonstrate laws in science that were not demonstrated in school. It’s going to be pretty fun.” They’ve already done a few experiments, and the purpose of the club is to “empower students and give them the desire to innovate using basic household materials”, says Jenning C. (11). The club has already conducted the “Cloud in a Bottle” experiment and the string telephone experiment. They’re hoping to make a Stirling engine… somewhere in the future. read more