Discovering the Past Together: How Modern Archeologists and First Nations Peoples Work Together to Build a Better Future

Liora Manoim (12) | STAFF REPORTER

The tense and fraught past shared by archeologists, museums, and the First Nations people of Canada is no secret. For years, decades, and centuries, museums have stolen and detained several religiously and culturally significant artifacts from the First Nations people, and archeologists have assisted in this gross miscarriage of justice in the name of science and historical documentation. read more

Unearthing the Truth: The Controversy of Archeology and Looting

Liora Abrera Manoim (12) | STAFF REPORTER

Have you ever been to the Royal Ontario Museum and wondered how on Earth they got their hands on non-Canadian ancient artifacts? The entire collection can’t be a loan from Egypt, China, or what have you, could it? You’d be right: many of them are artifacts that were obtained via looting. read more