Taylor Swift Criticizes Netflix Show “Ginny and Georgia” for Sexist Joke


The American pop star, Taylor Swift, is not a fan of Netflix’s new show Ginny and Georgia.

The comedy series includes a comment about Swift’s dating life by teenager, Ginny Miller who tells her mom, “What do you care? You go through men faster than Taylor Swift.” As the singer has had her private life, particularly her relationships, scrutinized in the public for years, Swift expresses her take on the show, calling said joke to be “deeply sexist.”

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Swift tweeted for Ginny and Georgia to stop degrading hard working women. She subsequently had Netflix understand her disappointment, especially after her collaboration with Netflix for her documentary, “Miss Americana.”

It was a rough start to Women’s History Month, seeing as her response was posted on the first day of March. Swift is speaking out and defending herself as a woman who is only doing her job and being as successful as she can.

This is not the first time Swift has talked about the criticism against women in the entertainment industry. She is not afraid of communicating her opinions and will not tolerate being berated by a supposed joke.