The 2023 STR Yearbook

Lucas Fang (9) l STAFF REPORTER

Yearbooks are not just a book recapping a year. They’re full of memories and happy moments that you will reminisce; they’re a good laugh to flip through; and they transport you back in time. Yearbooks are a tradition that goes way back, yet we still use them to this day, proving their utility.

St. Robert’s annual yearbook sales are in full swing. This year, it wasn’t included in the student activity fee, so unfortunately you’ll have to pay out of pocket. Past yearbooks have been designed by our wonderful yearbook club, and this year’s won’t be any different. The early bird price for one is $33.50. If you purchase after December 9th then the price will jump to $35 so buy one while they’re still at a lower price!

Additionally, the yearbook club is hosting something exciting: a special raffle! From December 4th to 20th, people who have purchased yearbooks can enter a raffle for $3. If you win, you and four other friends will win a specialized front and back page spread to stick into a yearbook! Best of luck to those who have entered!