The Growing Interest in Computer Science

Emily Henrique (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Photo from University of Rhode Island

The prospect of high entry salaries and social status, along with society’s rapidly developing technology reliance, is enticing many students into the field of computer science to a point that has us considering what effects this could have on society.

With the growing interest in computer science, courses in said field, especially in secondary institutions, are overflowing with applicants. In an attempt to address the overwhelming demand, colleges and universities have implemented systems including lotteries, and capping the amount of courses computer science majors can take. Regardless of these efforts, the interest still remains profuse and is taking a toll on applicants.

With these measures put in place to address the demand, some believe that they may serve as barriers for those already under-represented in computer science including women and racial minorities. According to an article from, the amount of women in science-related professions dropped from 35% to 26% between 1990 and 2013, and with these added obstacles, some may not consider it worth it to pursue such a competitive or prestigious career. 

Another aspect to consider is the economy. Now you may be thinking that with such a high number of computer science students there will not be enough jobs to go around, but this is hardly the case. According to the U.S Bureau of Labour Statistics, the demand for computer science-related jobs is projected to rise 12% from 2018 to 2028, more than any other profession. In reality, the challenge is not so much the lack of jobs, but getting the employees.

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These growing challenges stress the importance of choosing a profession not for their status or salary, but for your own passion. In the words of Steve Jobs, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
