Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Case

Ashmitha Gnanapragasam (10) STAFF REPORTER

Bill Cosby, an 81-year old American comedian, has been sentenced to 3-10 years in state prison after he was found guilty of sexually assaulting numerous women throughout his life.

14 years ago, Bill Cosby intoxicated and molested Andrea Constand, a Temple University employee, at his home in Philadelphia. The courage that Andrea had to file a case against Bill Cosby, has sparked the momentous operation known as the “Me Too” movement. This is a movement against sexual assault and sexual harassment, specifically in the workplace, gaining attention worldwide through social media.

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As Bill Cosby endures his time in jail, he serves as a reminder to all women and men to speak up about sexual assault and harassment in the workplace. This issue must be addressed and conquered in society today in order for change to be sustained and sexual predators to be held accountable.

“It is time for justice. Mr. Cosby, this has all circled back to you. The time has come,” said Montgomery County Judge Steven O’Neill.