Cultural Appropriation vs Appreciation: Where Should the Line be Drawn?


The line between cultural appropriation and appreciation can be quite blurred, and people sometimes make hasty judgments. However, what exactly is the difference between the two, and is the former as black and white as it appears to be?

The term cultural appropriation comes with multiple interpretations. It involves using elements of a culture that isn’t your own in a disrespectful or mocking manner. For example, wearing another culture’s attire as a Halloween costume is an action that can be viewed as disrespectful.  

Cultural appropriation can also be defined as claiming certain aspects of another culture as your own.

On the other hand, cultural appreciation involves a genuine admiration and understanding of another culture. Things such as enjoying its cuisine, entertainment, or participating in its festivals can fall under this category.

The key difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation lies in the intention behind the actions. Cultural appropriation is often done with malicious intent, whereas appreciation is correlated with sincere respect and love for the culture.

However, in some cases, cultural appropriation may stem from misunderstanding rather than malice. As it is sometimes unclear what people’s true intentions are, it is always best to seek clarification before jumping to conclusions.