A Peek Inside Netflix’s Red Notice

Jing Wen (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Are you thinking about what to do during the weekend or the upcoming March Break? Perhaps you would like to spend some time with your friends or family to watch one of Netflix’s more recent adventure movies: Red Notice. A two-hour compilation of action, mystery, thrill, adventure, a touch of suspense, and of course comedy, because what would a Ryan Reynolds movie be without comedy? Can’t forget about his co-stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and the Wonder Woman star, Gal Gadot. 

The story is about FBI profiler John Hartley (Johnson) who is forced to team up with the expert art thief Nolan Booth (Reynolds) because he is framed by another art thief The Bishop (Gadot) for stealing an expensive artifact. The two men who appear to be polar opposites go on an adventure together and endure many obstacles to achieve their goal of outsmarting The Bishop and throughout their experience, they just might realize that they are not so different after all. 

From escaping prison to fighting a rampaging bull to enduring a gun-fighting car chase, can Hartley and Booth survive it all? Will they become each other’s backbone or are they even really as close as they seem? The race is on for the ultimate artifact. Who will get to it first? The police, Booth and Hartley, or The Bishop? If you are a fan of action and comedy with a plot twist, go check out the film and see who you want to root for. Who knows, maybe a collaboration between the three actors is something you didn’t know you needed, but the trio’s chemistry and dynamic will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.