Blossoms Of Change

Alyssa Lai (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Nestled in the peaceful garden, where leaves whisper softly in the breeze and a nearby stream hums its gentle tune, my liquid moonlight scales gracefully glide through the crystal waters, yearning to be seen. I continue my swim in this endless pond, watching the sun glimmer on the water’s surface. In contemplation, I think to myself, “It’s almost time.” The sun’s rays are poised to melt away the frosty snow, signaling the arrival of the first day of this season, and I am ready for it.

I eagerly awaited the magical gleam of the sun to grace my beloved cherry blossom tree – the one that, in my eyes, has always been perfect. Each spring, as far back as my memory reaches, a tree stands faithfully by my pond, covered with mesmerizing pink petals. When its blooming arrives and the final petal gracefully descends, a wondrous transformation appears. As soon as that petal touches my head, I transform into a pink koi fish. What makes this enchanting ritual even more extraordinary is that, for seven days following, I am bestowed with the unique ability to grant wishes to anyone I encounter.

The fact that I’m a wish-granting fish remains my little secret, and that’s the upside of it. It keeps me safe from anyone trying to take advantage of me. The story of this strange power is still a puzzle to me, but there’s this undeniable feeling that there’s something special about me. My mom always pointed out the gold freckles around my eyes, a feature she insisted was unique among our kind. She thought these golden marks were a one-of-a-kind gift. I have this hunch that God gave me this knack for a reason, like a nudge to bring more happiness into the world. Maybe, just maybe, this is His way of calling me to spread a little more joy around.

After enduring countless frosty nights and chilly mornings, I can’t help but wonder when this cold spell will finally let up. Then, on May 18th, a spark of hope catches my eye as I notice my cherry blossom tree is starting to come back to life. The tension in my body eases, and now all that’s left is the anticipation of that first petal falling on me. A deep smile crosses my face as I imagine the joy I’ll be spreading once I’ve got that wish-granting power in my fins. 

“It’s happening! I’ve been waiting for this moment!” I eagerly look as the first petal from the tree gracefully descends, twirling through the air like a delicate ballerina. It swims and dances, caught in a gentle breeze. I skillfully position myself in the water, making sure the petal aligns perfectly with my head. As it comes within centimeters, I gather my anticipation, watching in suspense as it softly touches my head. However, nothing changes. Panic sets in as my body remains unchanged, and I start swimming rapidly, my mind clouded with confusion.

Navigating through the aquatic community, I swim purposefully toward the wisest fish, a respected elder in my community. I feel confident that he holds the solution to my problem. On my way to him, I pass by a series of charming seashell houses. As I approach his little lotus shop, I find myself in a treasure world of wisdom, shelves filled with old novels and books that emit a husky, ancient aroma. Upon entering, I spot the wise fish. With a friendly wave, I acknowledge him, and together, we make our way to the seashell table at the back of the shop.

In the room, I share my struggles with my unique power. As I finish, he silently leaves, adding suspense to the moment. Upon his return with a dusty book, he confidently hands it to me. Turning to a specific page, he reveals a poetic truth: “After 12 years, the wish-granting power transitions to another, marking the completion of your extraordinary journey.”

I gaze intently at the words on the page and ask “Why?” The wise koi fish emits a thoughtful grunt before responding, “I don’t know, but perhaps you’ve fulfilled your mission, and now it’s time to share your power with another individual.” Perplexed, I express my confusion, “I don’t understand. I must have done something wrong. What about my gold freckles? I was supposed to be the sole bearer of this power.” The wise fish reassures me and says “Now, hush, little one. Your freckles are indeed unique, but they don’t define your worth. You’ve done nothing wrong; it’s simply time to move on to a new chapter. Your service is appreciated by God, and now He desires others to follow in your footsteps. However, there are countless avenues to continue making people happy.”

Taking his advice to heart, I nod and swim away from the lotus shop, holding the ancient book. The underwater world unfolds before me, and I decide to embrace the change, finding new ways to spread happiness in the community. With a sense of purpose, I swim towards the heart of the garden, ready for a fresh start.