Opening Our Doors to Academic Brilliance!

Melanie Lau (9) | STAFF REPORTER

On November 7, St. Robert hosted its Academic Open House to showcase its programs and facilities to interested Grade 8 students. The event was mainly held in the school gym, where staff and students gave presentations and answered questions about the school’s curriculum, extracurricular activities, and overall community.

The Presentation

To prepare for the open house, the gym was set up by current students looking for volunteer hours. Small stands were erected for particular councils and courses, and by 7:00 PM, the eighth graders and their parents were ushered by excited staff and students to the gym, where the main presentation was held. They were guided through a slideshow which talked about St. Robert’s administration team, student government, support services, activities, facilities, and the school’s many course offerings, which cater to any pathway a student may be looking into.

The Extracurriculars

In addition to its strong academic focus, St. Robert showcased its vibrant extracurricular activities. From award-winning sports teams to an array of clubs appealing to diverse interests, the school emphasized the importance of a well-rounded education. Attendees had the chance to learn about the numerous opportunities for students to explore their passions beyond the classroom.

What’s Next?

Afterward, attendees were provided information on the registration process, which is exclusive to those within the St. Robert boundary. We hope to see everyone soon! (Though if an overnight trip to Muskoka Woods doesn’t convince them to join our family, I don’t know what will.)