Expand Your Knowledge: Math Contests

Gloria Yang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

University of Waterloo is known for its computer science program, their co-op program, but also their internationally-recognized math contests. University of Waterloo hosts several contests throughout the school year, for middle and high school students.

For high school students, these math contests can be organized into 3 categories. Multiple choice contests, word problem contests, and highly competitive and reputable contests such as Euclid and CSIMC. There are 3 contests in both the multiple choice contests, and word problem contests. These 2 categories offer contests for 9th graders, 10th graders, and 11th graders. Euclid is offered to all grades, and CSIMC is broken into 2 contests: CIMC and CSMC. CIMC is offered to students in grade 10 or below, and CSMC is offered to all grades, mainly students in grade 11 and 12. 

According to the University of Waterloo, CSIMC gives students the opportunity to develop their mathematical problem solving skills. This year, CSIMC was written in the middle of November, and contained 9 questions. Students are given 2 hours to complete the contest, and are marked out of 60. Many students from St. Robert wrote the contest in the cafeteria, and results will be announced soon. 

University of Waterloo’s Math Contests

CSIMC is one of University of Waterloo’s most well recognized contests, and it is quite competitive. Make sure to check out University of Waterloo’s website for more information about their math contests!