From a Step to a Leap

High school marks the beginning of a new life for every teenager. As students anxiously wait for the first day of high school, they can’t help but reminisce about the days at their elementary school. As they move ahead in their lives, they know that new friends, new teachers, and a whole new beginning await them.

The first day arrives! With great efforts to rid their stomachs of butterflies, the students set foot into their new home, high school. With loads of hope and excitement, students rush to new classrooms and are welcomed into an entirely different atmosphere. Some streamline into the system with ease while others find it hard to cope either because of the workload or the deprivation of true companionship.

Sometimes, it takes a while for realization to set in about the true nature of high school: the teachers, the students and the school itself. As the year progresses, students face the fact that work never ends in high school. With the completion of an assignment, a quiz approaches followed by a test and the cycle continues. As they come to the end of it all, there’s always something else in store. It is nothing but work, work, and work! Unable to focus on anything, the students become glued to their books trying everything under the sun in order to get a ‘PERFECT’ mark. A feeling of loneliness then rushes to meet them.

A tone of anxiety, stress, and pressure kicks in. The students helplessly watch their new home slowly unfold into an arena of despair. They ask, “Why?” The students pose the question in front of them while the answer echoes in their ears, “This is not elementary school. Learn to move on.”

The transition of going from a pond into an ocean takes time, but alas! If hard work is not put in to achieve goals, and opportunities are shunned away, the next thing we realize is that it’s all over in a wink of an eye.

Hence, the choice is solely ours: Do we want to make the best use of high school life by forging new friends, making an impact on others’ lives and cherishing memories or live four years of high school in stress?  We are the makers of our own destiny. So making right choices and abiding by the voices from our inner selves will positively bring out fruitfulness in our life. As Robert Frost relates in his poem The Road Not Taken,

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

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I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Let us make right decisions in life to reach the pinnacle of success.