New Canada’s Food Guide Wants You to Eat Vegetables (and it’s Probably Healthy)


Canada’s food guide has been updated for the new year with different suggestions on what you should eat. The last time the guide was updated was in 2007, and since then it has gone through noticeable revisions.

Two of the most drastic changes to the guide were the removal of the milk and alternatives category, as well as the meat and alternatives category. The two categories seem to have become osmosed together into the proteins category, which, as a step away from both original categories, mainly favours plant-based protein.

So what do we drink now? According to the food guide, water. Fortified soy beverage is fine too. And instead of beef? The food guide encourages protein foods including “legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu, fortified soy beverage, fish, shellfish, eggs, poultry, lean red meat including wild game” and low-fat dairy products, which do include milk.

Moving away from meat and milk to general proteins may be stepping in the right direction. Though controversial in its own right, increased plant-based consumption and decreased animal-based consumption has objective benefits to society and the individual; including reducing greenhouse emissions and increasing agricultural sustainability.

To produce one kilogram of beef requires 15,415 litres of water. In comparison, to produce a kilogram of soybean requires only 1,802 litres of water. Additionally, it takes less land and is an overall smaller strain on farmers to grow food rather than raise it. 

Conclusion? It’s healthy to drink water and eat vegetables. Not just for the individual, but for everyone. The greater focus on plant-based protein shows an overall improvement in Canada’s food guide and proves Canada’s willingness to take a positive step in and towards the future. 

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Works Cited

Nierenberg, Danielle, et al. “Meat’s Large Water Footprint: Why Raising Livestock and Poultry for Meat Is so Resource-Intensive – Food Tank.” Food Tank, Food Tank, 28 Nov. 2016,

“What Does the Production of 1 Kilogram Beef Cost?” Greentravelife, 16 Dec. 2017,

“Eat a Variety of Healthy Foods Each Day.” Go to Canada’s Food Guide., Government of Canada,