The Role of Wealth in the Chase for Happiness


The connection between wealth and happiness is one that is rather contradictory. While a lack of money can lead to a life of misery, an abundance of money does not guarantee contentment. This begs the question, how important is the chase of wealth in correlation to overall happiness? 

Imagine a person who has lived their entire life in poverty suddenly acquires a vast amount of money. The initial joy is euphoric, as they can finally make necessary improvements to their life and relieve financial stress. 

Money has no doubt brought some happiness to this person’s life. However, once basic needs and some simple luxuries are fulfilled, the accumulated wealth may not bring the same level of joy. Money also might not be able to solve other issues that may arise, such as a lack of relationships. 

In certain situations, money can indeed bring short-term satisfaction. However, money will never directly translate into happiness, as it is not the universal solution to life’s problems. 

While financial stability is important and luxuries can induce joy, there are more parts to someone’s well being than just wealth. For instance, building relationships, personal growth, and mental and physical health are matters that may seem trivial, but are integral parts of a happy life. 

A person who is focused solely on procuring wealth may find themselves stuck in an endless cycle of accumulation— neglecting other aspects of a fulfilling life that are equally or even more important.