STR’s Terry Fox Walk 2021!

Angela Wang (9) | STAFF REPORTER

As a cancer activist, Terry Fox ran across Canada in order to raise money for cancer research. After an unfortunate ending of his death, his inspiring actions still succeeded in causing a positive and lasting impact on citizens. Every year, we celebrate the Terry Fox run/walk to commemorate Terry Fox and the contributions he had made. We take a time to appreciate his effort and achievement in creating a better society. read more

University of Toronto Scarborough Library Virtual Field Trip

Felicia Liu (11) | STAFF REPORTER

On March 12th and March 15th, the Grade 11 IB students of St. Robert participated in a virtual field trip to work with a librarian from the University of Toronto Scarborough Library. They were introduced to several researching tools and methods, which would be especially useful for writing the Extended Essay. read more