Hidden Treasure

Dane Recaido (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Crashing through the surface of the water, my eyes adjusted to the dark atmosphere of the ocean. The water was frigid and as I sunk deeper into its depths, the more my body stiffened at the pressure. Not even the sun’s blinding rays could pierce through the water. 

But then I blinked and I found myself watching in awe as the dark, murky water gave way to a coral reef nestled into the sand. The atmosphere transformed as the eerie shadows disappeared and bright fish swam lazily through the reef.

Jellyfish bobbed calmly around the perimeter as their translucent colour blended in with the kelp towering over the reef. The stony coral was jagged and mossy as small fish weaved in and out of them. There were sea turtles with stream-lined shells that glided gracefully near the seabed. 

It was stunning what hidden treasure was entailed beyond the surface of the water. The endlessness of the ocean seemed less daunting as I saw the life that lived peacefully under the depths of water.

Not even the sharks that hovered dangerously close to me appeared threatening as the beauty of the ocean called to me, lulling me into its grasp. It soothed me with its soft tender embrace that became more and more addicting. 

Suddenly, the temperature dropped as the hair on my arms rose. The groups of fish were scuttling away as they briskly swam right by me. The crabs were sheltering between the crevices of the solid coral. Even the towering sharks scampered away as they kept their distance. The seaweed swayed, seeming to grow in size as the tips brushed against my leg. 

The inky shadows appeared again. It was suffocating as the dark fog settled over me, clouding my vision. The water swirled with dangerous strength as the current drove me down into the endless abyss. The saltwater felt like it was physically burning my skin as my fingers grasped blindly for something to hold on to, only to be met with emptiness.  

Then a tentacle shot out and grasped my ankle in a fierce grip, dragging me down into the boundless chasm of water.