Lest We Forget

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, all the weapons dropped on the ground in a united declaration of peace in the world. The red poppies pinned on our chests are a symbol of the memory of all the soldiers who sacrificed themselves for our country.

On November 11th, St. Robert CHS held the annual Remembrance Day assemblies. During periods one and two, all the students from grade nine to twelve, gathered in the gym to pay respect and to commemorate the memory of those who sacrificed themselves not only for WWII that began one hundred years ago, but all soldiers who risk or lose their lives for their country. Mrs. Facchini’s grade ten and eleven students played the Canadian national anthem to open up the assembly and later closed it with a performance of Amazing Grace. The guest speaker, Major James Ellwood provided an inspirational speech about the duties of a Canadian citizen and what our responsibilities are. The gym was filled with a respectful silence as everyone watched the RMC interview Arthur Forton, a WWII veteran.

Student members of the Cadets Organization a pose respectfully holding the Canadian flag
Student members of the Cadets Organization and Major David Ellwood pose respectfully holding the Canadian flag

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Pictures taken by Nancy Z. (10) and Rhoel P. (12)